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A total of 2,045,000 points have been donated 13,501 times. Thank you for sharing!

Completed Campaign

기간 : 2023-02-09 ~ 2023-03-02
목표 포인트 : 400,000 P
참여 포인트 : 400,000 P
잔여포인트 : 0 P





Mission Accomplished!
Together, we have made the world a brighter place.

A donation of 1,000,000 won will be made to UNICEF when this campaign reaches its goal.

Thousands of children and families are at risk after two devastating earthquakes and numerous aftershocks hit south-east Turkiye and Syria on February 6, 2023.

More than 11,000 deaths have been reported in total in Turkiye and north-west Syria, a number that is expected to grow. Thousands of homes and other buildings have been destroyed, displacing families and exposing them to the elements at a time of year when temperatures regularly drop below freezing and snow and freezing rain are common. Scores of schools, hospitals and other medical and educational facilities have been damaged or destroyed by the quakes, vastly impacting children.

In Syria, where children already face one of the most complex humanitarian situations in the world, UNICEF is preparing to support the humanitarian response in coordination with partners. The immediate focus is on ensuring affected children and families have access to safe drinking water and sanitation services ? critical in preventing illness in the early days of a crisis.

In Turkiye, efforts are currently focused on search and rescue and UNICEF is coordinating with the Government, and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency on the emerging needs linked to the wider humanitarian response. Support will include hygiene kits, blankets, and winter clothes.

84년 만의 최대 규모 지진으로 삶의 터전을 잃은 어린이들

지난 6일(현지시간) 새벽, 규모 7.8의 강진이 튀르키예 남동부와 시리아 북서부를 덮쳤습니다. 이번 대지진으로 튀르키예와 시리아에서는 사망자 12,099명과 부상자 약 59,429명이 발생했으며, 그 수는 더욱 늘어날 것으로 보입니다.

모두가 잠든 새벽에 지진이 발생한 탓에 주민들은 미처 대피하지 못했고, 시간이 흐를수록 미처 파악하지 못했던 인명 피해가 눈덩이처럼 불어나고 있습니다.

재난 상황에서 가장 취약한 존재는 바로 어린이입니다. 시리아의 어린이들은 오랫동안 지속된 내전의 공포에 이어, 언제 다시 찾아올지 모르는 여진의 두려움에 떨고 있습니다. 무너지는 건물에서 대피하거나 생사를 알 수 없는 가족들을 찾아 헤매며 아비규환의 시간을 보내고 있습니다.